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SSL Certificate

What is SSL Certificate hosting?

An SSL certificate (Secure Sockets Layer) is a digital security protocol that encrypts communications between a website and the user’s browser. Here are some key points to understand what an SSL certificate is and its importance.

Benefits of an
SSL Certificate

Data security

The SSL certificate helps protect sensitive data transmitted between servers and browsers. This includes personal information such as names, addresses, passwords, and credit card details. SSL encrypts this data, making it difficult for hackers to intercept or steal it.


An SSL certificate also serves to authenticate the identity of a website. This assures visitors that the site they are visiting is indeed the site it claims to be, and not an imitation created by fraudsters.

Trust & credibility

Websites equipped with an SSL certificate often display a lock icon in the browser's address bar, along with the HTTPS prefix (instead of the standard HTTP). These visual indicators increase user trust by proving that the site is secure and that their privacy is respected.

Improved SEO

Google and other search engines favor websites secured by SSL in their search results. Having an SSL certificate can therefore improve your site's SEO and increase its visibility.

Regulatory compliance

For certain organizations, having an SSL is mandatory to meet security standards and regulatory requirements, such as those imposed by PCI DSS standards for online payment transactions.

Types of SSL Certificates

There are several types of SSL certificates, which vary based on the level of validation and the number of domains or subdomains covered.

Domain Validation (DV) SSL

The lowest validation level, quickly obtained as it only requires validation of domain ownership.

Organization Validation (OV) SSL

Requires more in-depth checks of the organization requesting the certificate, providing a higher level of trust.

Extended Validation (EV) SSL

The highest validation level, involving a rigorous verification process of the company. It displays a green address bar in browsers, offering the highest level of trust and security.

In summary

The use of an SSL certificate has become a standard practice for all websites wishing to ensure the security of their communications, strengthen user trust, and improve their ranking in search engines. It is a crucial investment for any business that takes online security and privacy seriously.

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