Why reference your website
Natural referencing or SEO: an indispensable element
Today, any serious, conscious, responsible and future-oriented company must have a presence, have more prospects online in order to widen its field of action, increase its turnover and undoubtedly boost its notoriety. Moreover, competition is fierce and therefore, creating a website has become a vital step for companies in any sector of activity. However, what is the point of creating the most beautiful website in the world with the most attractive design if nobody visits it or even consults it? So what can be done to bring visitors back to your site? What strategy should you adopt and use to make your site known to Internet users? No need to panic! Natural referencing appears to be a means of attracting visitors to your site and keeping them loyal, provided that your site appears in the search engines. In this article, we will tell you why you should refer your site in 2023.
Natural referencing: basic definition
When an Internet user performs an online search, your site must be able to appear in the first pages of search results, even if the main objective of a website is to attract visitors. This can be done by bridging links from external sites to the page or by working on the content of the site itself. In this case, a distinction must be made between natural referencing or SEO and paid referencing or SEA.
– Natural referencing or SEO, which consists of optimising the positioning of the site on search engines by using strategic keywords. This technique takes a little longer, but is effective in the long term!
– Paid referencing or SEA consists of buying keywords or engaging in advertising such as adwords campaigns, banners… to improve the positioning of the site.
Is it really necessary to reference your website? The answer to this question seems more obvious than it is possible to do without. There are many reasons for this.
A story of position
The objective of natural referencing is to bring one’s site to the top of the search results on Google. It should be noted that sites in first place receive an average of 36% of clicks, those in second place 33% and those in third place 21%. More than 9 out of 10 clicks are made on the first page of results. So it’s easy to see why. The better a site is ranked in the search results, the more visitors it will receive. Search engines rank websites according to the relevance of the SEO strategy used.
It is therefore necessary, and even essential, to reference your site to increase its visibility and thus gain a better place on the search engines. The more visible your site is, the more traffic it will generate and the more visitors it will attract. This allows you to boost sales.
A major traffic acquisition channel
The number of daily users of search engines makes natural referencing the main channel for acquiring visitors for many websites.
The figures speak for themselves: when we talk about SEO, we often focus on the search engine Google because it is so hegemonic on the market (94% market share in 2016). Google is used by more than 40 million people every month, i.e. two thirds of the population!
SEO, a profitable investment
Unlike social networks, which require frequent and regular animation, or the purchase of space, which requires you to open your wallet for each click on your ad, SEO is something else entirely. Indeed, once a site is well positioned in natural referencing, it will continually attract more visitors, as long as it does not lose its positions. It will therefore improve and increase your brand awareness and visibility. Moreover, SEO or natural referencing is a long-term process and once the site is positioned, it generates free traffic. Natural referencing is therefore very profitable in the long term.
Natural referencing allows you to increase your turnover
There are now more than 2 billion Internet users worldwide. 95% of these users use search tools, which are therefore an essential part of an Internet marketing strategy to generate traffic to a website and thus boost your sales and increase your turnover.
Moreover, an optimised referencing, via SEO, will allow the consumer to access the information he is looking for and thus will ensure the credibility of the company, which will not hesitate to invest in order to better serve him. A good visibility on the web will then offer an excellent publicity by opening the doors of the company to a vast community, better still to prospects and thus potential customers, all without having to resort to expensive advertising investments.
In summary, it is clear that referencing one’s website in 2023 is an essential and capital step that is both beneficial and profitable for companies, whatever the sector of activity.
The real question to ask is not “why reference your site” but rather “how to reference your site”!
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